This is the back end article. It does not tell you what you need to do to make something operative. On the other hand, it talks about how the things work in the technological world. Therefore, dont expect me to entertain you. You can surely expect me to increase your knowledge levels. How many of you know about the technology called SIP? Most of us use the technology and call ourselves tech savvy people but what do we know about the back end processes going on? It is surely not enough to know about how to use the technology. It is also essential to get to know the workings behind what you can see. Take a microscope and look for that. Only then, you are eligible enough to call yourself a tech save person. Read on and you might change your profile to a tech savvy person on the personal level.
First of all, let me assert that SIP is a technology and not software to be used. It is one of the biggest platforms to use the VoIP calls made from the internet. They are much cheaper and with voice quality well assured. In the ordinary persons language, calls are not made from the phone. They happen based on the internet connections in the form of transference of digital signals. It is the upper level of technology where the distances between the loved ones are reduced enormously.
The next appropriate question that arises is where does SIP Softswitch lie? Before that, let me answer the question as to what is softswitch? It is device by which you can connect your basic telephone to internet. It connects the two networking systems and this is the exact place where the signals for incoming and outgoing calls are controlled. Its basic function is to analyse the nature and destination of the call and send them off accordingly. While doing all this, it has to compulsorily adjust the properties of the signal.
When you do the SIP calling, softswitch converts the PSTN signal; let them carry the IP properties making it appropriate to connect to SIP. The same procedure is followed when you connect the SIP system to PSTN number.
This basic function makes it a favourite of many. Various companies, individuals and private firms are using this technology to reduce their costs of their businesses. It is quite helpful for many and can prove to be equally useful for you too once you start using it.