Daily deal websites offering coupons and great discounts are inevitable. This internet coupon model website is bound to make lots of money with high and attractive discount strategy. Group buying and daily deal is a unique blend paving an excellent opportunity to make money. The web world has optimized the bulk buying process by offering really high discounts. Such group buying sites provides deals for all most all services; from clothings to gadgets or spas or luxurious buffet. The common man nowadays visits one or more deal site before any kind of purchase to check whether any right deal is awaiting.
The Groupon model is a big success for local competitors. The strategy is “first come-wins most”. Whoever enters the market first has significant advantage in the day-to-day deal space. Hence a clean analysis and clear understanding of both the Groupon working and the local market is advisable. Similarly, any startup company will get access to more new clients and promotions through the Groupon strategy than an already established brand. The premise of daily deal models which offers coupons/vouchers for a highly attractive discount for a product/service has encouraged many to launch online group buying website.
The availability of clone scripts for Groupon-like website with numerous significant features, for example: makes the invasion simpler. The mentioned Clone script is available as an extension for magento ecommerce, compatible with newly updated magento version. When Groupon clone is installed as an independent extension, any number of magento extensions can be added to the deal site which will make the deal site more exclusive. Following are the Dos to benefit from a Groupon clone.
Choose a script that provides stupefying add-ons such as iPhone App, Android App and Facebook App. The clone script should offers requisite qualities such as Merchant Login, Social Sharing, Multi Cities deals, Easy check out module, multiple side deals, Upcoming deals, Referral systems, RSS feed, SEO friendly URLs, Spam mail filter, Google Maps and Google Analytics and more. By choosing a script that is available as an extension, any magento store owner can optimize it to an attractive deal site in less time.
However, the rise in group buying site has not affected the business model because the customer value is also on the rise. There are still plenty of customers relying on the daily deal site as they are least bothered about the deal site they are viewing as long as they find a suitable deal. Any purchase is incomplete if you are not informed about the after sales support. A reliable support with quick response and solution should be a mandatory requirement.
The crazy popping up of new deal sites for every week / minute is making this a competitive market. If you are dreaming for a Groupon like success who is reported to amazed 35 million users in more than 300 markets around globe and still growing strong, advantage from specific tools set up for this purpose- a ready to use software and start up your own group buying site.