How to spy on a mobile phone

In today’s world, the mobile phone is the same ordinary thing as a TV or refrigerator. The first mobile phone models had a standard set of functions calls, SMS, alarm clock, calculator, and clock. But today, it is simply impossible to describe all the possible features of this device: video cameras, players, Internet browsers, games, e-books, dictionaries and much more. Some smartphone models are successfully replacing tablet PCs and laptops, and allowing for smooth use of the Internet. Thanks to technological progress, mobile phones are becoming “smarter”.

There are so many reasons why a lot of people are acquiring modern aides such as smartphones or tablet PCs.

The so-called spywares have been of wide distribution recently. These applications are installed on a phone and allow you to remotely monitor activities on that phone such as incoming and outgoing SMS, call logs, contacts, location coordinates, etc.

One can argue about the ethics of such applications and the legal liabilities of installing such software modules on another person’s phone. However, it should be recognized that there are situations where such actions are absolutely necessary. For example, many people are familiar with the situation where when there are suspicions that your spouse or partner is having an affair with someone else, and worst still, such suspicions grow from day to day and make life miserable for you, and you want to finally learn the truth. Another example is when a child gets into a bad company and the parents do not know where he is at the moment and what he is doing. In these situations, such applications are simply irreplaceable. In most of these cases, ignoring the problem makes the situation even worse.

Such programs work in the same way: when installing the application on a phone, the user is usually prompted to enter his email where he will be receiving the information he needs from the phone (SMS, call logs, contacts, etc.), or a username and password will be sent to that email, which will be used for logging in at the website of the application to check all the necessary information from the phone under your account.

Such spywares are at present available for almost all mobile platforms Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows, and others.

As of today, Android operating system is perhaps the most accessible and it is quite a user-friendly software. Thanks to its focus on the mass audience, Android currently commands the highest popularity in the global market.