Android Tablets Will Take Over the World”.
It’s statements like that that will start a fight. The online forum or blog comment equivalent of a full on bar room fisticuffs dust up.
There are generally two sides too every argument and in this one we have the Android loving anti Apple fans and the Hard core Android/PC hating Apple crowd.
Each side will claim the other is populated with the blind leading the blind over the precipice of outdated and discarded gadgets into certain technological obsolescence.
“Sheeples”, to put it into the jargon. A sort of sheep person hybrid. Part of a flock. Cult like followers, blindly led to their own demise. Kind of a Jonestownesque “Pass the Koolaid” mentality.
You can tell when a fight is brewing up between the Android crowd and the Apple lovers. All it takes is one statement showing any kind of preference for one or the other product and it’s on.
It usually starts with various numbers bantied about like overall sales, market share, product specs and inevitably degrades into juvenile name calling and worse.
It’s stunning how the sort of drunkards courage of online anonymity shows a persons real character. Wonderful.
Why this animosity? It’s just some plastic and circuits put together to be used for work or play. It doesn’t define us. It’s not a way of life.
It’s like modern day civilized tribal warfare or sports fanaticism mixed with shopping.
Don’t think that Apple and the various makers of the different Android devices aren’t fueling the debate. This extreme polarization only increases profits.
Once a product is seen as part of our persona it’s money in the bank.
Kind of like Coke vs Pepsi.
Even the most die hard Coke fiend will guzzle down an ice cold Pepsi given the right circumstances.
Apple’s ipad and the latest Android Tablets are both wonders of technological wizardry. Either device would perform almost exactly the same under similar circumstances.
A tool is only as good as the person wielding it. The best tool in the hands of an unskilled amateur won’t make them better but a master craftsman can do wonders with basic equipment.