Batteries have been around since the 1800s, and since then they have become ubiquitous in virtually every household. Creating electrical energy from a chemical reaction inside the battery cell is done by utilizing electrochemical cells. A primary or secondary battery are the different kinds of batteries in which the first being disposable and the secondary being rechargeable. Rechargeable is precisely what the name suggests, they are able to be recharged and used again until they need to be replaced while the other type of battery is used once and then disposed of hence the use of the word disposable.
There are a few battery manufacturers in the United States currently. Of these, one is Duracell, who has rather recently come forth with their Procell battery line. Side by side, its tough to see the difference between Duracell Coppertop batteries and Duracell Procell batteries. The nominal voltage, weight, volume along with other specifications are all the same.
One of the main differences between Duracells regular Coppertop battery and the Duracell Procell batteries is the totally different target consumer for these lines. While the Coppertop line is created for the average consumer, Procell batteries are designed and marketed specifically for industrial and professional use.
The Procell battery is more acceptable for a more professional environment even though a side-by-side comparison between the Coppertop and Procell lines are hardly apparent. In the industrial and professional setting, battery life is much more important because of the high demand and necessary functions they are relied upon for. Because of this vital need, Duracell created the Procell battery line to ensure reliability. Developing a more dependable product that would be more durable was accomplished through Duracell’s rigorous process of testing. Considering an environment like hospitals or other medical setting, guaranteeing life sustaining equipment function is critical for patient care.
The result of such extensive and rigorous testing is that Duracell is able to provide a long lasting battery. They have come up with a very thorough analysis that details regular battery usage. To create the best battery, these tests have provided Durcell with important information in regards to how they can make their batteries far better. While Procell batteries are given a somewhat higher charge, that is also an indicator of the difference of the Coppertop and Procell batteries A standard 9 volt Duracell battery is given a 9 volt charge, while a 9 volt Procell battery has a 9.5 volt charge.
Typically, consumers will be unable to locate the Procell batteries in stores because they are for a more industrial type use. To be able to purchase Procell batteries, you must search online or order them through a supplier and you will likely need to purchase them in bulk with the minimum purchase volume differing depending on the supplier. In addition to being more difficult to find, Procell batteries can be more expensive than regular consumer batteries, but they are also more reliable and have a longer life than consumer grade batteries.
It might be worth considering buying the Durcell Procell batteries if you are looking for batteries. Many reviewers rave about their longevity and dependability versus regular consumer batteries. People can use them for their CD players until finally they cant work anymore, then transfer them to hand-held game consoles until they dont work for those, then to their television remote’s, all while lasting longer than the regular batteries they can purchase at the store. Worth looking into, Procell batteries can be used in so many everyday electronic while offering you a longer life cycle as well.