While many people are aware of the fact that there are video cameras monitoring them inside of stores and banks, few people give much thought to the role that electronic surveillance plays in everyday life. However, theres no doubt that this surveillance has proliferated in recent years. The federal government is increasingly moving in the direction of monitoring more correspondence and personal information exchange in the private sector, and more and more corporations are seeking additional steps to protect against fraud and theft.
Electronic surveillance is the use of electronic devices such as digital cameras, surveillance cameras, GPS technology, computer software, wiretapping devices and other tracking technology, to monitor or view someone else or someone elses private communications. Video surveillance can reveal what people are doing at any point in time. GPS devices can usually reveal where an individual is and how quickly he/she is traveling. And computer surveillance can display what an individual is writing or viewing online. With the use of live feeds, remote technology, and satellites, this information can now be beamed around the world to virtually anyone interested in receiving this information.
While the explosion of electronic surveillance in recent years has led some to accuse companies and the government of Big Brother tactics, there is little doubt that this type of remote surveillance is extremely useful. Homeowners can now use an e-surveillance and video devices to monitor their homes, even when they are away. Nanny cams and other video surveillance devices can ensure that children are safe, even when parents are away. Companies, worried about the billions of dollars lost to fraud and theft each year, can easily monitor employees to ensure that they do their job and remain honest in the workplace.
Now that electronic surveillance devices have become more affordable, everyone needs to be made aware of the laws surrounding this type of surveillance. While a homeowner may not need special permission to video monitor their home for security purposes, employers need to tread carefully to avoid lawsuits involving invasion of privacy.
With todays heightened sensitivity to privacy issues, anyone whos considering the use of electronic surveillance needs to ensure that their surveillance system is implemented legally. Such that if the surveillance does catch illegal activity or a problem, theres less risk of a lawsuit and more probability that the events the surveillance has captured would stand up in court.