Fraudulent Iphone Insurance Claims Rise During New Iphone Model Launch

iPhone Insurance companies are fighting back against those customers who claimed that they had lost their new iPhone. Unfortunately, some iPhone insurance companies did not provide full protection in the event that their iPhone is lost. That is why when an iPhone user finds themselves in the situation where they had misplaced their iPhone, most of them take the decision to claim that their iPhone had been stolen. This is because they can make a claim on their iPhone insurance policy. Informing your insurance company that your iPhone had been stolen could be a real thorn for them.
Unfortunately, this may not be the case anymore. iPhone insurance companies are now doing their best in trying to seek out customers whom they believe that are making a false claim by stating that their iPhone has been stolen. Many iPhone insurance companies nowadays have more intelligent strategies to check if their customers have claimed an item has been stolen. They hire trained advisers to ask claimants certain questions about the alleged theft. Also how and when it took place. These trained advisers are trained to notice the same occurring patterns that are very common amongst false insurance claims.
But unfortunately, there are many iPhone users seem to be unaware that making a false claim will lead to a criminal conviction. That must be a real wake up call for those people who had a habit of making false claims that their iPhones, laptops were stolen. They would certainly have a criminal record and these might affect their future like when they have plans in applying for a job.

This is not just for iPhone insurance but it is also applicable for home insurance products, laptops and those things that have insurance. Insurance companies or providers are now turning to a zero tolerance with this type of offence. IPhone insurance companies require now a Police incident number before they can start processing your iPhone insurance claim. And in order for you to get a Police incident number, you have to make sure that you will have to report your iPhone as stolen to the Police and then make a statement to that effect. The Police now are also involved with insurance fraud of this nature. In this case, you are not just making your own criminal conviction for insurance fraud, but also this scenario could even get you into jail. This is all because your iPhone insurance company did not cover you for the loss of your iPhone.