New Technology From Bosch Reduces Fuel Consumption

BMW has partnered with another German company, Bosch, so as to provide their consumers with a vehicle with hybrid like capabilities. Boschs Smart Electronic stop-start system will be used on the BMW 1-Series which will start production this month.

The technology is akin to that one used by hybrid vehicles which shuts down the engine when the vehicle stops and immediately starts it once acceleration is needed. This technology was developed by Bosch as part of their operations in automotive parts and system.

The Smart Electronic start-stop feature is essentially a starter which is developed to adapt to stop-start operations especially for city driving. Frequent deceleration and acceleration is needed on city streets due to the hue amount of traffic on city streets. Shutting the engine down when the vehicle is stationary means that no fuel will be wasted. This means that no fuel is burned thus no emission is going to be produced.

According to laboratory tests, the Bosch stop-start system reduces fuel consumption by approximately eight percent on a regular trip. Carbon dioxide emission is also cut down by the same percentage. In city streets congested with so much traffic and the time a vehicle needs to stop is longer, the start-stop system can achieve ore than eight percent fuel consumption and emission reduction.

Dr. Volkmar Denner, a member of Boschs board of management, has this to say about their system: This technology significantly reduces fuel consumption, especially in city driving. This is indeed true since like hybrid vehicles, the technologys performance can truly be appreciated on city streets where frequent stops needs to be made. According to Denner, This and other systems supplied by Bosch will help to reduce CO2 emissions further in the future.

The development of the system is in response to stricter emission standards passed by the European Union. This technology is also aimed to address the current threat of global warming due to excessive production of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide from vehicles.

Aside from the start-stop technology, Bosch has already announced the development of a battery sensor which determines the power left in a cars battery pack and relates the information to the cars electronic control module which activates the charging of the battery pack. Bosch has drawn on its combined competence in drive trains, energy management, and starter technology to develop this system and its control function, says Denner. The technology developed by Bosch can complement engine parts to save fuel and reduce emission.

With more and more innovations such as this, the auto industry will be making great leaps forward in their battle against global warming. In the future, not only BMW vehicles can be equipped with this technology since it can be used on other vehicles without a need to modify the drivetrain.