The Samsung Mesmerize and the iPhone 4 are two of the lastest smart phones that are currently available on the market. The Samsung Mesmerize is a product from the phone and gadget giant Samsung, while the iPhone 4 hails from the wildly successful Apple corporation. Both of these smart phones have plenty to offer to discerning users, but each offers particular advantages and disadvantages in comparison to the other that you should keep in mind when deciding which of the two is the right smart phone for you. Along the way, you might also want to consider some of the many accessories available to protect your smart phone.
The most notable difference between the iPhone 4 and the Samsung Mesmerize is that while the iPhone 4 runs Apple’s proprietary operating system, the iPhone Operating System 4, the Samsung Mesmerize can run a variety of different operating systems, and ships with the latest rendition of Google’s efficient operating system for smart phones, Android 2.1. While Apple will claim their operating system is the most advanced you can buy, the near universal adoption of Google’s Android by nearly every other smart phone company on the market is a sign that Google might have the superior operating system of the two.
Besides the operating system, another crucial part of the Mesmerize to mention is the display. With more and more smart phones moving each year to fully dedicated touch screens, a screen that can do everything is moving from being a luxury to an essential. The iPhone comes with a 3.5 inch display and a 640 x 960 screen, while the Mesmerize comes with a 4 inch display and 480 x 800 resolution. The iPhone offers the greater resolution, while the Mesmerize offers the slightly larger screen.
With all this information, you might find it a little easier to make a decision between the Samsung Mesmerize and the iPhone 4. Although the iPhone 4 is the more popular smart phone of the two these days due to its bigger brand name and more time on the market, the Mesmerize is sure to be a competitive product in the coming months.
Now that you have an idea of the similarities and differences between the Samsung Mesmerize and the iPhone 4, you might be interested in what some of the options are for accessories for the Mesmerize. You will be pleased to find out that there are all sorts of gadgets and gizmos you can buy to keep your Samsung Mesmerize ready to work wherever you are. For example, you might want to consider one of the many chargers on the market, as this is a quick and easy way to keep your smart phone full of juice when you are on the road. Similarly, you might want to look into a case so you can keep your smart phone from needless scratches, dust, dirt, and grit when it’s traveling around with you. Neither of these accessories costs much, but they can do wonders for your productivity.