The Function Of Cooling Fan In Cpu

When you switch on the computer and start working for some time you would notice the heat that is been produced by some parts of it. In order o cool down these parts and to ward off the heat the fans are used in the computers. The main cooling agent in the computer is the CPU cooling fan. If the heat that is generated is not dispersed then it might cause some serious damage to some parts of the computers. Even though the computers are designed in such a way that suits this generation but still in order to reduce the heat from it the special cooling agent is always been used in it.

Some of the main functions of the CPU cooling fans are it puts out the heat and allows the fresh air to come in to the system. These cooling fans are been fitted in the mother boards and even on the hard drives. There are about some 3 to 4 fans on the central processing unit. In those days the computers were designed in such a way that there would be the only ventilation made of aluminum sink with some fans attached to it. But that would not be enough for the computers that are in nowadays. Nowadays the computers are used for around 12 to 15 hours a day so aluminum sink would not be enough for it to provide sufficient ventilation. So the cooling fans were introduced and it was proved that it is very economical and efficient in order to use the computers for longer time.

The main function of the cooling fan in CPU is to keep the Central Processing Unit cool. But there could be some obstruction in the functioning of CPU cooling fan such as Dust. The Dust settles on the blades of the fans in order to reduce the functioning capabilities. It would also require the regular maintenance in order to keep the CPU cooling fan in the working condition.

Most of us would not realize the importance of these cooling fans. This is due to the lack of the knowledge and even the ignorance about the components. So it would be important for the computer literate to know about all the peripherals in the machine and even their functions. This would not help you in maintaining it, but would also help you to avoid the damage that can be done to the component.

Even the Laptops would generate lot of heat, even though they have been well equipped with the proper cooling system. Overheating would also cause some severe damage to the system and at times would even stop its function. All the laptops would be attached with the coolers, which functions similar to that of the CPU cooling fan.

There are number of fans that are available in the market, so you could have an option of selecting any one depending upon their magnitude of the work that it would do to your machine. Before you get one, you need to consult anyone who would know about it or do some researches.